Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Cities on screen

A landscape in constant flux plays a key role in these portraits of both the light and dark sides of Singaporean society
Eight explorations of the many sides of the Italian capital, plus one extraordinary example of Cinecittà’s genius for conjuring up far-away, long-gone worlds
Cinema is forever paying tribute to its birthplace — here are just a dozen of the most glorious celluloid celebrations of the French capital
It might be best known for its frenetic action cinema, but lush love stories, stylised portraits of a long-gone world and riotous domestic comedy are all part of the big picture too
A Kurosawa crime thriller, a Soviet sci-fi epic and a wild anime reimagining of the Nativity are among the classics that take our film critic to Tokyo
As part of our new series, the FT’s film critic takes us on a journey of the movies that most transport him to the Magic City, from ‘Scarface’ to ‘Moonlight’ via ‘Some Like It Hot’
